Ham radio deluxe digital master 780 download
Ham radio deluxe digital master 780 download

ham radio deluxe digital master 780 download

You can also set up “Guest” accounts for club or special event stations. Multiple Callsigns If your License Manager shows more than one callsign such as for parent and child or husband and wife, you are able to enter station set up information for each callsign. This allows you to have a “Home” location as well as other locations such as a vacation home or favorite portable locations. My Station Set Up Ham Radio Deluxe allows you to set up multiple QTH locations. If you have already set up the Logbook portion of the suite, this screen should be populated with the required information and you can just close it out and continue with the set up. Information in the My Station screen is used by Ham Radio Deluxe Logbook. Clicking on this brings up the My Station data screen. After you have entered the information in the QSO Tag portion, you will notice on the right side there is a button Edit My Station Direct.

ham radio deluxe digital master 780 download

Don’t worry about the lack of a SAVE button on this screen, your data is automatically saved when you exit this screen by clicking the red X in the upper right corner of the display. We’ll discuss setting up the macro sets later on in the documentation, but for now, just type in all information under the QSO Tags section. The center portion of this option contains information about you and your station used for substitution tags within DM-780 macro sets.

  • Enter any additional information that you would like displayed.
  • Select Callsign (MyInfo) from the menu on the left side of the screen.
  • This will bring up the Program Options window used to configure DM-780.
  • Select Program Options from the Toolbar.
  • DM-780 can be run as a standalone program, however, to take advantage of the many integrated features from Rig Control and Logbook, we recommend running the entire Ham Radio Deluxe suite. You should now have your audio connection made between the radio and the computer so it’s time to start configuring DM-780. Solution home Ham Radio Deluxe User Guides Digital Master (DM-780) Configuring DM-780

    Ham radio deluxe digital master 780 download